110 Cap ZIRCON ONLINE | 110 CAP | OLD SCHOOL | LONG TERM | Original SYSTEM | GO 09.08.2024


27 Tem 2024
Tepkime puanı

We constantly reviewing all private servers to check how the scene going, and by far we noticed that most of the private server are trying so hard to devastate the features of silkroad.
Moreover, adding new features must match with the silkroad theme.
In Zircon we studied this case and came up with the solution that make the players feel like playing real old Silkroad, server must be clean as possible with some modifications that won't effect your gaming or experience.
In Zircon we promise you will feel nothing but thrilling and fun!.

⏳Beta & Opening:
Beta phases are the most important for all server, we decided to make a 7 days beta in Zircon to test everything and make sure that we are having a smooth grand opening,
in addition to rewarding our active beta players with a special gift as compensation for their contribution.
The beta phase 02/08 20:00 GMT +3 .
Grand open will be 09/08 20:00 GMT +3 (website time)



♦ Cap | 110.
The 11 degree is one of the best degrees in the silkroad history, everyone likes it and it gains most of the sro players attention, it has so much details and fun stuff, thats why we settled on picking this particular degree.

♦ Races | EU & CH.
The server is almost original sro, we didnt want to remove anything, and since SRO has both races in the 11 degree, we decided to keep them both alive, with some light modifications to make balance between them both.

♦ Exp/SP Rate | x15.
The rates in Zircon is very custom, we dont want high rates server that will die instantly in the first week, you will be having so much fun at your way to the max level, 15x rates isn't that low and not very high, the rate is very custom and fun!

♦ Drop Rate | 10x.
Since exp rate is 15x, we had to increase the items drop rate so people can pick them and whether sells them or equip them, you will be finding drops with 10x more than the original sro.

♦ Sos Drop Rate | 2x.
Our nova drop system is 2x the original rates, that means its not that easy to find nova items, we decided to do it this way to make value to the novas, you will find people stalling with novas for gold within the first week.

♦ Alchemy Rate | Adjusted.
Alchemy is the most challenge in Silkroad, we made it a bit fun by adjusting the rates, and we are giving you guys the rates so you will be known the percentage of the plus you are doin.
+1 ~+4​

♦ Job Rate | 4x.
Jobbing is very fun right? but who would start doing trades if its not worthy?
at Zircon we boosted the job exp and gold by 4x, you will be gaining 4x profits from trading as well as exp.

♦ Max Plus | 10.
Max plus in Zircon is 10 without advanced elixirs, the reason we made it 10 is because we can't just leave it unlimited,
some people might get lucky and make insanely high plus, also we picked 10 because its the most challenging plus in all sro servers.

♦ Zircon Main Town | Alexanderia.
Our main town will be Alexandria, there you will find all new npcs, you will find stall, people boting, basically everything will be located at Alexandria.


♦ Available Fortresses..
Our fortress war will be hotan since it has the most popularity among all sro players, also it has a bigger capacity to hold more guilds.
The winner guild will be rewarded with 250 silk for each guild member!


♦ PC LIMIT | 3.
We don't want server full of botters, so we decided to limit the clients you can open in every single pc, you will be able to login at 4 clients only,
the reason we picked 4 clients is; you will be using 1 main account to play on server activities, 1 account will be used as gold bot, last character could be used as staller.

♦ Guild Limit | 24.
Our guild limit is 24 to give small guilds chance to play at the several events, also to make it fair at the fortress war.

♦ Union Limit | 2.
Union has been decreased to 2 only, the reason we did that is to give other unions and guilds chance to play versus each other.

♦ SILK/H: | 1.
We said before we don't want a pay2play server, so we decided to add silk per hour beside the automatic events,
so you can get much silks without any donation! you will get 1 silk every hour.

♦VoteSilk | 10.
Well been added system vote help new player,vote 10 silk everyday.

♦ Plus Notice | +8.
We added the plus notice so everyone can notice if you did a high plus or not, also to celebrate with you your success

♦ Nostalgia | Old Interface.
In Zircon wanted to let you guys feel the real old school nostalgia by bringing back silkroad old interface, like alchemy, exp bars and the whole interior interface


♦ Filter Features.
We are having so much features in our filter that will be very helpful for you while playing in Zircon.
One of the most thrilling feature is the unique target and the DPS meter, the unique target simply will show an arrow above the character that unique is focusing on.
The DPS meter is a new windows shows the statics of the players and the dmg they made in the unique.



♦ Start Items.
We wanted to give you a good boost in your journey, so we added you some precious items that you will find in your inventory, it will help you in the beginning.

♦ Auto Equipment.
We won't have to talk much about this, because you guys already know it, and it has also been released thousands of times on many other servers, it works when you level up, your equipment will automatically be pimped to the level you've reached with full blue, 41% stats and plus 3 Sun items, the auto equipment works from the 1st degree till the 9th degree.

♦ Gears & Items.
How to get Nova Items

You can obtain nova items from all monsters in Alexanderia, the drop rate for the nova is 3x.

How to get Sun Items (ADV B)
You can get the Sun items from NPC

How To get Egy A Weapon
You can obtain the Egy A weapon from the original way which is Forgotten world, you can get it by completing the 8 talismans then deliver the quest and select your reward from the weapons collection.

How to get Egy A Shield
The Egy shield can be obtained from killing the last unique of the Forgotten world only, your chance of dropping it is low, so good luck!

How To get Egy A Accs
The only way to obtain the Egy A Accessories is by purchasing it from the battle arena shop, you will have to spend thousands of arena coins
and the only way to obtain arena coins is by attending battle arena and capture the flag!

How To get Egy A Set
Like the original way, you will be needing to collect some coins from the job uniques like silver coins, gold coins. You can buy whatever parts you want from the original npcs located at alexanderia.

EGY (A) disabled our Long Term concept Egy Weapon Quest won't be available First 15 day

EGY (B) disabled Set & Accessories for some time to ensure our long term path


♦ Magic Pop.

We enabled magic pop because we believe its very interesting and fun system in Silkroad, you will be getting much precious items from magic pop like Dragon flag etc..
You can get magic pop cards from the Garden dungeon, Roc, Medusa and all normal uniques.


♦ Honor Buff.
Academy | Enabled.
We have the regular 4 Honor Buffs [King - Gold - Silver - Bronze] Doing more job activities via job kill , Battle Arena/ CTF, Unique
Each kill = 1 honor | 30 point daily limit


♦ Trading System.
To make it challenging for everyone we decided to enable the jobbing at only 3 towns, Hotan, Donwhang and Jangan, this will make it challenging for the traders because your chances of getting catch by thieves are higher.
Jupiter Job Cave Drop: 100 Silk


♦ Special Npcs.

We added various special npcs that will be very helpful for you, you will find all new npcs at Alexanderia.

Special Title Shop
This NPC specializes in selling titles, which differentiates you from other players.
Gold Shop
This NPC sells miscellaneous items and scrolls for gold which will be useful for you.

Special avatar
This NPC sells different Avatars that you won't find at the item mall.

♦ Dungeons.

Job Temple Uniques :

Job temple uniques spawns at a certain scheduled time, you will be noticing our times at the website,
these uniques drop a very precious rewards beside the needed coins to purchase the Egy parts!

Isis: 2 Gold Coin / 2:3 Immortal Stones/ 100:200 Silk : Time = 01:30 AM - 09:30 AM - 06.30 PM
Anubis: 2 Gold Coin / 2:3 Immortal Stones/ 100:200 Silk :Time =01:30 AM - 09:30 AM - 06.30 PM
Neith: 3:4 Silver Coin / 2:3 Immortal Stones/ 100:200 Silk :Time = 01.30 PM - 9.30 PM - 06.30 AM
Selket: 3:4 Silver Coin / 2:3 Immortal Stones/ 100:200 Silk : Time = 01.30 PM - 9.30 PM - 06.30 AM


Holy Water Temple
Holy Water Temple was intended to be for the berserk quest only, but to make it fun for you, we added coins drop,
you can enter the holy water temple 2 times/day, don't forget to bring your friends with you, its not gonna be easy.
Drop: Silver Coins + Gold Coins + Immortal Stones + Global


Garden System
The zombies occupied the garden and they want a brother of all Zircon diamonds ,We have to kill them all, and clean the garden,
but beware of their leader, he is very strong,You’re going to be limited to 2 entries per day in this dungeon and there’s going to drop valuable goods. You can enter Garden 2 times/day only.
Drop: 10 Magic Pop Cards / 3 Global / 1 Immortal Stones / 10 Arena Coin



Everyone loves hunting uniques, also we added interesting drop to all uniques.

Tiger Girl: 1 Reverse / 1 Global / 30% Immortal Stones
Cerberus: 1 Reverse / Global / 30% Immortal Stones
Captain Ivy: 1 Reverse /1 Global / 30% Immortal Stones
Uruchi: 1 Reverse Reverse / 1 Global / 30% Immortal Stones
Isyutaru: 1 Reverse / 1 Global / 30% Immortal Stones
Lord Yarkan: 2 Reverse / 1 Global / 50% Immortal Stones
Demon Shaitan: 2 Reverse / 2 Global / 50% Immortal Stones
BeakYoung White Viper: Spawns every day , drops 800 silk + 5x Global + 10x Immortal Stones
Death Bone: Spawns every day , drops 1000 silk + 5x Global + 10x Immortal Stones
ROC: Spawns every day , drops 1000 silk + 5x Global + 10x Immortal Stones



♦ Automatic Events.

Automatic Kill the GM Event

You are not called for registering in this event, The event will take place at Donwhang South, You have to run there as soon as you see the notice that will be written by our bot, the bot is going to appear and wear a cape, you got to sorely attack the BOT that appears in order to kill him as fast as possible, once he is dead, the bot is going to announce the wage earner.

Automatic Hide & Seek event
An old event which has a great taste of using your intuition, The bot is going to hide and it will ask you to find them, It will reveal some details about it's location , and you will have to know where is the bot hidden, the first one that locates him will receive a some silks.

Automatic Trivia Event
It's an event that requires your interpretation and distinguishing skills, The bot will write a BLUE notice asking you a question, and you have to pm BOT with the correct answer, ofcourse the fastest message will be the winner.

Automatic Lucky party number event
The event is totally based on calculation and luck, the bot is going to write a specific number, and you have to create parties insanely until you reach the required number, the one that has the desired party's number will be the winner.

Automatic Last man standing event
Prepare yourselves for a truly extraordinary brawl experience, it requests the will of exposing your merciless force that devastates everything, It is a crucial moment where you have to fight for supremacy at the battle utilizing your strategy, cleverness, and subversive power so you can be able to murder everyone and push yourself to victory, once the event is on, all you have to do is to send a private message to our bot with "LMSRegister".

Automatic Unique event
The bot will announce the unique event 5 minutes before it starts, it is usually held in order to give a boost for our beginners, multiple uniques will appear and you have to kill them to gain silk & drops, the last unique will be Tai-sui Lv110, the killer will get 50 silks as reward.

Automatic Alchemy event
It is an event where everything is based on your fortune, a lot of players like to try their luck, so we have made an event that provides a fantastic challenge that proves your luck and enchanting skill, Our bot will write an announcement as soon as the event begins, you have to register for the event then start attempting to enchant the item that you are required to enchant, the one that gets the wanted enchantment level first will be announced as the fastest one to fulfill the event's request and that player will be the winner.

Automatic Lottery Event
You are going to choose whether to risk or not, it is either a daring adventure or nothing at all, once you decide to risk your wealth while in order to gain even more resources you'll have the courage to sign up for such an event, furthermore, once bot announces the lottery event's inauguration you have to send a private message to our bot with Register(Lottery), the bot will charge you a fine of 25 silks, hence the bot is going to pick randomly a winner and he will be given a huge reward depending on the participants count, you are able to register more than once in order to increase your opportunity of being the victor.

Lucky Global Event ( Lottery Event )
In this event, the bot will start a global to announce the start of the event. To participate in the event all you have to do is to write a random global chat, the bot will register you automatically, and when the event ends, the bot will announce the winner and give him the reward.

Survival Arena
Survival arena is one of the most intense events in Silkroad, in Zircon you will be able to fight against other players, the bot will announce the start of the event, all you have to do it send PM to the bot to register at the event, when the survival arena starts, the bot will recall you all. You will find a timer countdown in the screen shows how much time left. The player who get the most kills will be the winner.

♦ Offline Events.


You can earn 150 silk for free by using our signature, all you have to do is to copy this code and paste it in your
USER CP > Signature, you will receive the 150 silk in the grand opening!



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