
11 Eyl 2023
Tepkime puanı

We regularly assess private servers to evaluate the health of the community. Our findings suggest that numerous private servers are actively working against Silkroad's fundamental features. Furthermore, any new features that are introduced must align with the Silk Road theme. At Dream World, we have thoroughly examined this problem and devised a solution that restores players to the authentic Silkroad experience. Our server is carefully maintained, with only minor alterations that will not compromise your gameplay or enjoyment. We assure you that your time spent at Dream World will be nothing less than thrilling.!.



●Level | 125 :

D12 is widely regarded as one of the finest grades in the illustrious history of the Silk Road. It garners immense admiration and captivates the attention of numerous SRO players. This grade is replete with fascinating intricacies and captivating elements, which is precisely why we have chosen to focus on this exceptional grade..

Races | EU & CH :

The server is almost original SRO, and we didn't want to remove anything, and since both races are D12 in SRO, we decided to keep them alive, with some light modifications to balance them outا.

Exp / Pt Exp | 1x / 1.5x:

"The expertise in Dream World is highly specialized, we have made it completely old so that you can enjoy your time more, and put more effort into collecting equipment, weapons, etc., as well as restoring the original Silk Road days as it was in its most powerful era.".

● Drop rate | Reactive to the Maximum State :

The drops in the game are completely different. You can only get purchase coins and travel reversals through missions or quests. There is no other drop except for the Moon element from the monsters in Baghdad, the Magic Lamp coins from the Genie Temple in Baghdad, and also the Forged World books from Forged World Baghdad. The drops are divided into individual, party, and the drop rate in the temple, monsters in Baghdad, and Forged World is 2% to 50% in some unicorns in Forged World only. We always strive for the greatest fun in the game..

The Drop Rate of Moon Weapons and Where to Find Them | 0.02% :

The Moon D12 weapons drop from all monsters in Baghdad from level 121 to level 125, and the drop rate is only 2%, which is very fair to all and adds more fun for players.".


Alchemy Rate | 3x :

Alchemy is the biggest challenge between players, that's why we set the success rate of chemistry to only 3%, which is very suitable to add more fun among players. Alchemy is also exactly as it is in the original server, there is no slight modification or any manipulation in the course of real Alchemy - and the highest plus rate is 12 plus without Adv (+2). After adding Adv (+2), which is plus 2, our total gear, weapons, or accessories plus will be 14, which is the highest plus in the game..


● Job Rate | 25x :

In Dream World, you can do tredas from all cities up to Houtan, which is the farthest city for tredas. There are no other cities that exceed level 100 tredas. In these raids, you will only receive treda gold, and the treda percentage is 25%, which is a very suitable percentage for everyone and has no changes. It is also similar to the old percentage, approximately.ا.


[B Main Town:[/B]

There are no main cities as in other servers in Dream World. All of the game's cities are main and important, and we consider this as a reminder of the prestige of all cities and their fun spirit in playing, and this is something that many of the existing servers lack..

Available Fortresses | Hotan:

Fortress War is considered one of the most important things in Dream World, as it contains the largest and most fun between players and each other. That is why we decided to keep the Hotan War Castle because it is special and completely neutral, and to close the other castles, but they will open in the coming seasons. The time of opening the Hotan Castle is Friday of every week at exactly Six o'clock in the evening, and registration is every Friday from five o'clock in the evening until five forty-five minutes, and the winning Guild will receive a Special gift from the Game team + FTW reward . ا.



We don't want server full of botters, so we decided to limit the clients you can open in every single pc, you will be able to login at 4 clients only, the reason we picked 4 clients is; you will be using 1 main account to play on server activities, 1 account will be used as gold bot, last character could be used as staller.

Guild Limit | 30:

The Maximum Number of Guild Member is 30 to give guilds a chance to play small in many events, and to make it fair in Fortress War..

Union Limit | 1:

Union has been decreased to 1 only, the reason we did that is to give other unions and guilds chance to play versus each other.

Plus Notice | +8:

We added the plus notice so everyone can notice if you did a high plus or not, also to celebrate with you your success.


Nostalgia | Old Interface :

In Dream World, the legend has it that all the musicians have gotten used to the sound and visual creativity of the old days, making the player nostalgic for those unforgettable days. The game environment has been developed in a distinctive and fair manner. Also, there are songs about the legendary system. It truly is Dream World West, always a solid dream in the hearts of its old efforts and players.

SILK | System And How to Get it:

In Dream World, there are only three ways to get silk. The first is by killing the Uinques and getting the silk directly after killing it, but only the original Uinques, like Tiger Girl and Uruchi, and the Demon Shaitan. The second way is through events or events in the server. The last way, which is optional, is through donation or recharging, but in the recharging method, we don't sell silk, we sell money for money. Every dollar you take its place in the game, and this is called the Cash Mall system. You get dollars in the game for your dollars in the recharge to buy silk as you wish. We have created this system specifically to suppress cheaters and black market traders. We encourage stopping the greed of these unprofitable people from spreading and killing what remains of Silkroad.


Start Items :

We wanted to give you a good boost in your journey, so we added you some precious items that you will find in your inventory, it will help you in the beginning.


Honor Buff Academy | Enabled :

We have 4 regular honor boosts [ King -Gold - Silver - Bronze ] Doing more job activities will gain job experience, depending on these experience points, our system will give you an honor boost. Also, you can buy regular Zerk Scrolls and Premium Scrolls with Honor points from any Storage Npc who has them. Honor Store.




Auto Equipment | D1 - D9 :

We have added the scaling gear from class 1 to class 9 of the star element, and we have canceled the drop for regular gear from class 1 to class 9. Just raise the level and you will get scaling gear suitable for your character level. You can also buy gear from class 1 to 10 from any gear seller in all towens , the Npc :EC_ClericRod10dg: D10 equipment dealer, is located in Alexandria, next to the accessory seller.





Let us not talk too much on this professional system. In short, we have done something The server's level will be upgraded to a maximum level of 110, and after that you will not be able to travel to Jupiter's Mirror. All you have to do is follow this new system to pass level 110. Your level rose to 125 and go to Mirror and Baghdad.

You have to perform a mission to upgrade the level, and it is a mission to kill monsters in Job Temple and Uniques are also in Job Temple and Holy Water Temple. This mission lies in the professionalism of the server programmers and supports the greatest enjoyment of the server and the challenge among players to pass the level .

You must first take the quest from the quest merchant in Alexandria and go after that to kill monsters and Uniques , obtain their spirits, and present them to the merchant to obtain a scroll to ascend to level 111. After that, you can continue your journey in the Mirror and Baghdad.

Task items: You kill a thousand of Imhotep’s monsters in the Temple and kill 2 Osiris in the Holy Water Temple and finally killed 1 Isis in the Job Temple. This mission lasts only one time, no more for each character.





What is the meaning of a complete drop system?
This system is built on more professional foundations. You will not have to create a direct bot in front of the Unique to obtain coins, scrolls, or any drop from the Unique. You can only get a complete drop of tasks, as all the unics on the server must do a task for them. First, to get a drop bonus, do not attack any Unique on the server unless you first have the mission for this Unique, otherwise you will not get any rewards or drops from it.
You are asking yourself now, where are these missions?
Follow the pictures with me and you will know everything about this system. But follow the instructions attached to the mission and the type of mission before you take it. First, which Unique will be killed, and before that, get the mission and go to him, and after completing the mission, hand it over to the merchant from whom you took the mission to get it. I have a full drop bonus of coins, scrolls, and also the devil upgrade stone.








First, the coins or currencies: The currencies in Dream World are the Dream Coin and the Arena Coin, and you get them through quests for killing uniques. In the full drop system, you do the quest first and go to kill the unique, and after completing the mission, you get the Dream Coin. As for the Arena Coin, you can get it from the Arena Manager. And the So-ok and also from the original Uniques quests only.

Secondly, Silk or Silk: You get silk only through three methods: killing only the original uniques and events , or by charging cash inside the game to buy silk from the Arena Manager merchant npc.

Thirdly, gold: You can only get gold through the job or the treda.

Fourth, the merchants: Where are the weapons and equipment merchants located? As for the weapons and equipment merchants, legendary weapons can be geted from the merchant Karim in Baghdad by the Forgeten World Quest. As for the equipment, you can get it from the merchant Alim and the merchant Azeem in Baghdad. As for the scrolls and travel icons to the Forgeten World, the Forgeten is divided. World, solo, individual or group party. You get travel icons through the merchant in Hotan, the Arena Merchant Item Manager.​

Fifth, Item and Level 11 weapons: You can get Item and regular Level 11 weapons from all Alexandria monsters, and Nova also drops at a small percentage from all Alexandria monsters.

Sixth: Item and regular weapons of the 12th Division: You can get the Item and regular weapons of the 12th Division from all the monsters of the Mirror Jupiter Temple.

Seventh: 12th degree stones and all kinds of elixirs: You can get stones and alchemy elixirs from the Mirror Temple of Jupiter at a moderate rate. You will not get any 12th degree stones through the mirror, no more.









he Forgeten World have two types, one is individual and the second is a party. You get 8 books from both of them, and the last book, The Sword of the Abshads, is only at a 1% percentage of the last unlock in the Party Forgetting Unique Abshad Force High General, and the rest of the eight books are from the rest of the unlocks in the Forgetting World, the individual and the Forgetting World Party, at a percentage of 50%. % For each card in this mission, you will obtain the legendary weapon, Degree 12.






First, the original Uniques: The original Uinques appears every day 4 to 5 times in its original capacity. You can Get Arena Coin from it through the quest assigned to it, and it also gives Silk after killing it. It is found in the Item Mall F10.


Secondly, Titan Uniques : Titan Uniques also appears in its original spots only once every day at 9 pm, and you can get Dream Coin and Reverse messages from it through its quest .


Third, Medusa Uniques: Medusa and her Unique appear every day at five o’clock in the evening, and you can also obtain Dream Coins , Reverse messages , and Devil Plus stones from them.


Fourth, Holy Water Uniques: You can enter the Holy Water Temple only twice per day, throughout the day. By killing her, you will also obtain a Dream Coin , Reverse Messages , and Devil’s Plus Stones through her quest.


Fifth, Uniques Job Temple: The first temple, Selket and Neith, opens at 11 a.m . and also at 4 p.m . Every day, you can obtain a Dream Coin from these Uniques and also obtain Devil’s Plus stones through its quest.

The Temple of Anubis and Isis opens at exactly 1 p.m . and also at 1 p.m. every day, and from this temple you can obtain a Dream Coin and also Devil's Plus stones through its quest.

The Haroeris and seith Temple are open at 7 a.m . and 10 p.m . every day, and you can also obtain a Dream Coin and Devil's Plus stones through your quest.


Sixth, Jupiter Mirror Uniques : Mirror Uinques appear every 4 hours every day, and by killing them, you obtain the Dream Coin , Reverse , and Devil's Plus Stones through their quest, and here is the possibility of the Mirror Uinques appearing.



Seventh, Arab Uniques : Arabic Uniques appear every 4 hours every day, and by killing them, you get a Dream Coin , a Reverse, and also Devil Plus Stones through their quest, and here are the locations of their appearance.​







This system is a great addition to the server and expands the enjoyment among the players. All you have to do is collect the Genie Lamps from the Petra Cave monsters,thief , the Hunter, and the Trade, and try out the Magic Lamp for these valuable prizes to get your special prize, and after Geting the prize, change the red coupon from the Genie Magic side. Lamb from Princess Juri is right next to the genie npc.











We have implemented a new charging system in Dream World based on the request of the majority of players. This system is unique in that it is neutral among players, and also allows us to suppress the greed of black market traders, guild owners, and fraudsters who have tarnished the reputation of Silk Road these days. This system is neutral in that the game administration does not sell silk to the player - the player himself buys the silk from within the game through the Cash Mall. The payment method is easy and your money is taken inside the game to buy silk as you wish. Every dollar you spend inside the game takes its place as a dollar within the game. This idea is great and neutral for all players. We have also implemented a monthly VIP system in the charging, which is a monthly membership that the player who recharges gets, in addition to the cash inside the game. The charging is in the form of a box that you hit, and you will receive the distinguished monthly membership and also the cash to buy silk within the game. (Note to all players: the administration is not responsible for any transactions outside the scope of charging, so you bear the consequences of your mistakes. We have informed you of the price of silk and its specific system, and you are the one who makes the right choice.) We also emphasize to all players that no player will receive what is called a free box or free silk, or any other cheap method like other servers, and also deals are strictly prohibited on the server. We also warn everyone that anyone who speaks to any administrator and requests a deal or silk or anything for personal gain will be permanently banned from the server. Also, a strong warning to guild owners: any guild owner who requests a deal or personal gain will be permanently banned from the server for life. As for the open market, it is available to all players to sell and buy their equipment, weapons, or items they have collected with hard work. We are neutral and keen to provide something clean without favoritism, intermediaries, or anything currently being done in the servers that are currently useless in the market.​

Finallyَ How to charge membership or cash mall ؟ :






In the end, we thank you all for your constant support to us and we will always be by your side and provide you with the best and the best."

always. With our greetings, the server team:

[ administrator & Developer& Designer | [GM]Zeus ]

[ administrator & Marketing |[GM] Spongy]

Virustotal replacer : bcc2c1185b486ce5fe6f88da46357d9a8627d88445d89ab3b6f2d484b2d4d386​

Virustotal replacer : Link

Virustotal Silkroad.exe : faf9fa96f1f65724fe647ecbc5e67e563e531cc619ffe77fb0edcc0fbeeb27dc

Virustotal Silkroad.exe : Link

Virustotal sro_client.exe : 2e3ac0c0d3edbb01879a4e138333f2223e93d71c4e07195496f181adee16e838

Virustotal sro_client.exe : Link

Participation code for Dream World :


[IMG]http://i.epvpimg.com/nWj3aab.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.epvpimg.com/7xv2gab.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.epvpimg.com/i42Daab.png[/IMG]
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10 Kas 2023
Tepkime puanı
NIce server i wsh all join it


10 Kas 2023
Tepkime puanı

We regularly assess private servers to evaluate the health of the community. Our findings suggest that numerous private servers are actively working against Silkroad's fundamental features. Furthermore, any new features that are introduced must align with the Silk Road theme. At Dream World, we have thoroughly examined this problem and devised a solution that restores players to the authentic Silkroad experience. Our server is carefully maintained, with only minor alterations that will not compromise your gameplay or enjoyment. We assure you that your time spent at Dream World will be nothing less than thrilling.!.



●Level | 125 :

D12 is widely regarded as one of the finest grades in the illustrious history of the Silk Road. It garners immense admiration and captivates the attention of numerous SRO players. This grade is replete with fascinating intricacies and captivating elements, which is precisely why we have chosen to focus on this exceptional grade..

Races | EU & CH :

The server is almost original SRO, and we didn't want to remove anything, and since both races are D12 in SRO, we decided to keep them alive, with some light modifications to balance them outا.

Exp / Pt Exp | 1x / 1.5x:

"The expertise in Dream World is highly specialized, we have made it completely old so that you can enjoy your time more, and put more effort into collecting equipment, weapons, etc., as well as restoring the original Silk Road days as it was in its most powerful era.".

● Drop rate | Reactive to the Maximum State :

The drops in the game are completely different. You can only get purchase coins and travel reversals through missions or quests. There is no other drop except for the Moon element from the monsters in Baghdad, the Magic Lamp coins from the Genie Temple in Baghdad, and also the Forged World books from Forged World Baghdad. The drops are divided into individual, party, and the drop rate in the temple, monsters in Baghdad, and Forged World is 2% to 50% in some unicorns in Forged World only. We always strive for the greatest fun in the game..

The Drop Rate of Moon Weapons and Where to Find Them | 0.02% :

The Moon D12 weapons drop from all monsters in Baghdad from level 121 to level 125, and the drop rate is only 2%, which is very fair to all and adds more fun for players.".


Alchemy Rate | 3x :

Alchemy is the biggest challenge between players, that's why we set the success rate of chemistry to only 3%, which is very suitable to add more fun among players. Alchemy is also exactly as it is in the original server, there is no slight modification or any manipulation in the course of real Alchemy - and the highest plus rate is 12 plus without Adv (+2). After adding Adv (+2), which is plus 2, our total gear, weapons, or accessories plus will be 14, which is the highest plus in the game..


● Job Rate | 25x :

In Dream World, you can do tredas from all cities up to Houtan, which is the farthest city for tredas. There are no other cities that exceed level 100 tredas. In these raids, you will only receive treda gold, and the treda percentage is 25%, which is a very suitable percentage for everyone and has no changes. It is also similar to the old percentage, approximately.ا.


[B Main Town:[/B]

There are no main cities as in other servers in Dream World. All of the game's cities are main and important, and we consider this as a reminder of the prestige of all cities and their fun spirit in playing, and this is something that many of the existing servers lack..

Available Fortresses | Hotan:

Fortress War is considered one of the most important things in Dream World, as it contains the largest and most fun between players and each other. That is why we decided to keep the Hotan War Castle because it is special and completely neutral, and to close the other castles, but they will open in the coming seasons. The time of opening the Hotan Castle is Friday of every week at exactly Six o'clock in the evening, and registration is every Friday from five o'clock in the evening until five forty-five minutes, and the winning Guild will receive a Special gift from the Game team + FTW reward . ا.



We don't want server full of botters, so we decided to limit the clients you can open in every single pc, you will be able to login at 4 clients only, the reason we picked 4 clients is; you will be using 1 main account to play on server activities, 1 account will be used as gold bot, last character could be used as staller.

Guild Limit | 30:

The Maximum Number of Guild Member is 30 to give guilds a chance to play small in many events, and to make it fair in Fortress War..

Union Limit | 1:

Union has been decreased to 1 only, the reason we did that is to give other unions and guilds chance to play versus each other.

Plus Notice | +8:

We added the plus notice so everyone can notice if you did a high plus or not, also to celebrate with you your success.


Nostalgia | Old Interface :

In Dream World, the legend has it that all the musicians have gotten used to the sound and visual creativity of the old days, making the player nostalgic for those unforgettable days. The game environment has been developed in a distinctive and fair manner. Also, there are songs about the legendary system. It truly is Dream World West, always a solid dream in the hearts of its old efforts and players.

SILK | System And How to Get it:

In Dream World, there are only three ways to get silk. The first is by killing the Uinques and getting the silk directly after killing it, but only the original Uinques, like Tiger Girl and Uruchi, and the Demon Shaitan. The second way is through events or events in the server. The last way, which is optional, is through donation or recharging, but in the recharging method, we don't sell silk, we sell money for money. Every dollar you take its place in the game, and this is called the Cash Mall system. You get dollars in the game for your dollars in the recharge to buy silk as you wish. We have created this system specifically to suppress cheaters and black market traders. We encourage stopping the greed of these unprofitable people from spreading and killing what remains of Silkroad.


Start Items :

We wanted to give you a good boost in your journey, so we added you some precious items that you will find in your inventory, it will help you in the beginning.


Honor Buff Academy | Enabled :

We have 4 regular honor boosts [ King -Gold - Silver - Bronze ] Doing more job activities will gain job experience, depending on these experience points, our system will give you an honor boost. Also, you can buy regular Zerk Scrolls and Premium Scrolls with Honor points from any Storage Npc who has them. Honor Store.




Auto Equipment | D1 - D9 :

We have added the scaling gear from class 1 to class 9 of the star element, and we have canceled the drop for regular gear from class 1 to class 9. Just raise the level and you will get scaling gear suitable for your character level. You can also buy gear from class 1 to 10 from any gear seller in all towens , the Npc :EC_ClericRod10dg: D10 equipment dealer, is located in Alexandria, next to the accessory seller.





Let us not talk too much on this professional system. In short, we have done something The server's level will be upgraded to a maximum level of 110, and after that you will not be able to travel to Jupiter's Mirror. All you have to do is follow this new system to pass level 110. Your level rose to 125 and go to Mirror and Baghdad.

You have to perform a mission to upgrade the level, and it is a mission to kill monsters in Job Temple and Uniques are also in Job Temple and Holy Water Temple. This mission lies in the professionalism of the server programmers and supports the greatest enjoyment of the server and the challenge among players to pass the level .

You must first take the quest from the quest merchant in Alexandria and go after that to kill monsters and Uniques , obtain their spirits, and present them to the merchant to obtain a scroll to ascend to level 111. After that, you can continue your journey in the Mirror and Baghdad.

Task items: You kill a thousand of Imhotep’s monsters in the Temple and kill 2 Osiris in the Holy Water Temple and finally killed 1 Isis in the Job Temple. This mission lasts only one time, no more for each character.





What is the meaning of a complete drop system?
This system is built on more professional foundations. You will not have to create a direct bot in front of the Unique to obtain coins, scrolls, or any drop from the Unique. You can only get a complete drop of tasks, as all the unics on the server must do a task for them. First, to get a drop bonus, do not attack any Unique on the server unless you first have the mission for this Unique, otherwise you will not get any rewards or drops from it.
You are asking yourself now, where are these missions?
Follow the pictures with me and you will know everything about this system. But follow the instructions attached to the mission and the type of mission before you take it. First, which Unique will be killed, and before that, get the mission and go to him, and after completing the mission, hand it over to the merchant from whom you took the mission to get it. I have a full drop bonus of coins, scrolls, and also the devil upgrade stone.








First, the coins or currencies: The currencies in Dream World are the Dream Coin and the Arena Coin, and you get them through quests for killing uniques. In the full drop system, you do the quest first and go to kill the unique, and after completing the mission, you get the Dream Coin. As for the Arena Coin, you can get it from the Arena Manager. And the So-ok and also from the original Uniques quests only.

Secondly, Silk or Silk: You get silk only through three methods: killing only the original uniques and events , or by charging cash inside the game to buy silk from the Arena Manager merchant npc.

Thirdly, gold: You can only get gold through the job or the treda.

Fourth, the merchants: Where are the weapons and equipment merchants located? As for the weapons and equipment merchants, legendary weapons can be geted from the merchant Karim in Baghdad by the Forgeten World Quest. As for the equipment, you can get it from the merchant Alim and the merchant Azeem in Baghdad. As for the scrolls and travel icons to the Forgeten World, the Forgeten is divided. World, solo, individual or group party. You get travel icons through the merchant in Hotan, the Arena Merchant Item Manager.​

Fifth, Item and Level 11 weapons: You can get Item and regular Level 11 weapons from all Alexandria monsters, and Nova also drops at a small percentage from all Alexandria monsters.

Sixth: Item and regular weapons of the 12th Division: You can get the Item and regular weapons of the 12th Division from all the monsters of the Mirror Jupiter Temple.

Seventh: 12th degree stones and all kinds of elixirs: You can get stones and alchemy elixirs from the Mirror Temple of Jupiter at a moderate rate. You will not get any 12th degree stones through the mirror, no more.









he Forgeten World have two types, one is individual and the second is a party. You get 8 books from both of them, and the last book, The Sword of the Abshads, is only at a 1% percentage of the last unlock in the Party Forgetting Unique Abshad Force High General, and the rest of the eight books are from the rest of the unlocks in the Forgetting World, the individual and the Forgetting World Party, at a percentage of 50%. % For each card in this mission, you will obtain the legendary weapon, Degree 12.






First, the original Uniques: The original Uinques appears every day 4 to 5 times in its original capacity. You can Get Arena Coin from it through the quest assigned to it, and it also gives Silk after killing it. It is found in the Item Mall F10.


Secondly, Titan Uniques : Titan Uniques also appears in its original spots only once every day at 9 pm, and you can get Dream Coin and Reverse messages from it through its quest .


Third, Medusa Uniques: Medusa and her Unique appear every day at five o’clock in the evening, and you can also obtain Dream Coins , Reverse messages , and Devil Plus stones from them.


Fourth, Holy Water Uniques: You can enter the Holy Water Temple only twice per day, throughout the day. By killing her, you will also obtain a Dream Coin , Reverse Messages , and Devil’s Plus Stones through her quest.


Fifth, Uniques Job Temple: The first temple, Selket and Neith, opens at 11 a.m . and also at 4 p.m . Every day, you can obtain a Dream Coin from these Uniques and also obtain Devil’s Plus stones through its quest.

The Temple of Anubis and Isis opens at exactly 1 p.m . and also at 1 p.m. every day, and from this temple you can obtain a Dream Coin and also Devil's Plus stones through its quest.

The Haroeris and seith Temple are open at 7 a.m . and 10 p.m . every day, and you can also obtain a Dream Coin and Devil's Plus stones through your quest.


Sixth, Jupiter Mirror Uniques : Mirror Uinques appear every 4 hours every day, and by killing them, you obtain the Dream Coin , Reverse , and Devil's Plus Stones through their quest, and here is the possibility of the Mirror Uinques appearing.



Seventh, Arab Uniques : Arabic Uniques appear every 4 hours every day, and by killing them, you get a Dream Coin , a Reverse, and also Devil Plus Stones through their quest, and here are the locations of their appearance.​







This system is a great addition to the server and expands the enjoyment among the players. All you have to do is collect the Genie Lamps from the Petra Cave monsters,thief , the Hunter, and the Trade, and try out the Magic Lamp for these valuable prizes to get your special prize, and after Geting the prize, change the red coupon from the Genie Magic side. Lamb from Princess Juri is right next to the genie npc.











We have implemented a new charging system in Dream World based on the request of the majority of players. This system is unique in that it is neutral among players, and also allows us to suppress the greed of black market traders, guild owners, and fraudsters who have tarnished the reputation of Silk Road these days. This system is neutral in that the game administration does not sell silk to the player - the player himself buys the silk from within the game through the Cash Mall. The payment method is easy and your money is taken inside the game to buy silk as you wish. Every dollar you spend inside the game takes its place as a dollar within the game. This idea is great and neutral for all players. We have also implemented a monthly VIP system in the charging, which is a monthly membership that the player who recharges gets, in addition to the cash inside the game. The charging is in the form of a box that you hit, and you will receive the distinguished monthly membership and also the cash to buy silk within the game. (Note to all players: the administration is not responsible for any transactions outside the scope of charging, so you bear the consequences of your mistakes. We have informed you of the price of silk and its specific system, and you are the one who makes the right choice.) We also emphasize to all players that no player will receive what is called a free box or free silk, or any other cheap method like other servers, and also deals are strictly prohibited on the server. We also warn everyone that anyone who speaks to any administrator and requests a deal or silk or anything for personal gain will be permanently banned from the server. Also, a strong warning to guild owners: any guild owner who requests a deal or personal gain will be permanently banned from the server for life. As for the open market, it is available to all players to sell and buy their equipment, weapons, or items they have collected with hard work. We are neutral and keen to provide something clean without favoritism, intermediaries, or anything currently being done in the servers that are currently useless in the market.​

Finallyَ How to charge membership or cash mall ؟ :






In the end, we thank you all for your constant support to us and we will always be by your side and provide you with the best and the best."

always. With our greetings, the server team:

[ administrator & Developer& Designer | [GM]Zeus ]

[ administrator & Marketing |[GM] Spongy]

Virustotal replacer : bcc2c1185b486ce5fe6f88da46357d9a8627d88445d89ab3b6f2d484b2d4d386​

Virustotal replacer : Link

Virustotal Silkroad.exe : faf9fa96f1f65724fe647ecbc5e67e563e531cc619ffe77fb0edcc0fbeeb27dc

Virustotal Silkroad.exe : Link

Virustotal sro_client.exe : 2e3ac0c0d3edbb01879a4e138333f2223e93d71c4e07195496f181adee16e838

Virustotal sro_client.exe : Link

Participation code for Dream World :


[IMG]http://i.epvpimg.com/nWj3aab.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.epvpimg.com/7xv2gab.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.epvpimg.com/i42Daab.png[/IMG]
all very good MorTaLeS


23 Ağu 2023
Tepkime puanı
not recommnded to join they bann me at discord idk why -_-
they gonna collect enough money then close


11 Kas 2023
Tepkime puanı
Nice system ever
IGN: KiiiiiiiiNG
Son düzenleme:

Bu konuyu okuyanlar:

110 cap 110 cap emek server 110 cap private
