110 Cap Star Online | 110 Cap | EU/CH | Silk System | PvP and PvE | Play2Win | G.O 14.06.24

Star Online

27 May 2024
Tepkime puanı


Welcome to Star Online!

Dear Players

With great excitement and pride, we announce the opening of Star Online! Get ready for unique adventures and epic battles on this special server that brings a fresh breath to the Silkroad world.

Why Star Online?

Balanced Game Experience: We offer a balanced and fair gaming experience while preserving the original spirit of the game.

Special Events: A calendar full of unique events designed for both new and veteran players awaits you.

Advanced Security: We have taken the latest security measures to prevent cheating and abuse, ensuring a fair and enjoyable environment for everyone.

Active Community and Support: Our support team is constantly in touch with our players, values their feedback, and resolves issues quickly.

New Adventures and Opportunities

In Star Online, you will roam the dangerous paths of the Silk Road, fight powerful enemies, and find legendary treasures. Prove yourself in a world full of guild wars, PvP tournaments, and daily quests. Form alliances with your friends and challenge your rivals!

Join Now!

To step into the magical world of Star Online, simply [register] and start your adventure by downloading the game client.


Open Beta: 11/06/2024

Grand Opening: 14/06/2024

Our game limitations are carefully designed to optimize the experience for each player group. The effort-intensive aspect of leveling up has now lost its significance. Automatic bots allow players to enjoy a fast-paced leveling experience. In parallel, daily entry limits and PC restrictions have been implemented for areas like FGW and HWT to ensure fair balance in the dungeons. Access to these areas will not be possible without a Premium membership.

To become stronger, we provide an environment where players can easily develop their characters, given they dedicate enough time outside of their initial donations. Powerful items have an active drop chance.





Starter Package:

101+3 Set

Summoning Pet

10,000 HP

10,000 MP

3-Day Swift Run

11x Reverse

11x Fast Return

5% Devil

1m Gold

10m Skill Point


Nova Items:

Nova items are known as rare and powerful items in the Star Online universe. These items provide significant advantages to players and hold great value in the game world.

Drop Mechanism:

Level Restriction: Nova items only drop from creatures (mobs) level 101 and above. This encourages players to venture into more challenging and higher-level areas.

Drop Chance: Every creature (mob) at level 101 and above has a chance to drop a Nova item once per day.


Star Online: Destruction Set Items:

In Star Online, Destruction Set items are sold by NPCs for Gold Coins and Silver Coins. Additionally, Destruction Boxes can be obtained through Daily Quests. There is a 20% chance of getting a Destruction item from these boxes.


You can purchase Myth Accessory items from the Arena Manager NPC in exchange for Arena Coins.




Dear Star Online Players,

To enhance your gaming experience in Star Online, it is crucial to fully enhance your items with blue stats and raise the stats of your average set to the 80% level. However, we understand that you do not want to be constantly held captive by the town and bot alchemy section while enhancing your characters with these mandatory blues and stats. Therefore, we are delighted to introduce the system specially designed for you.

New Alchemy System:

Simplified Acquisition of Blue Stats and Stats:

You will be able to obtain blues with an easy gold rate of 61% and stats in the same manner.

80% Stat Scrolls:

You will be able to obtain 80% stat scrolls for a low amount of coins and an average amount of gold.

100% Stat Scrolls:

These will be very expensive and require GOLD COIN. Gold Coin can only be obtained from NPCs.

With this system, instead of wasting your valuable time enhancing empty stats and blues in the game, you can enrich your gaming experience by participating in Battle Arenas, caravans, and other events.

By providing everything necessary for more adventures and challenges in the world of Star Online, we invite you to be part of this unique experience. Have fun and good luck in your games!



Dear Star Online Players,

Honor points in Star Online will be obtained based on your activities. You can earn honor points by participating in the activities listed in the table below.

Honor Rank is Reset Every Week.

Job Kill

Survival Kill

Kill Race Kill

Chaos Kill


Battle Arena Win


Respawn Interval: 30-90 minutes

In Star Online, regular uniques are divided into STR/INT and drop the following items:

With a 50% chance:



Zerk SC

Silver Coin



Respawn Interval: 90-180 minutes

In Star Online, special uniques are divided into STR/INT and drop the following items:

1x Gold Coin

3x Silver Coin

1x Magic Pop

1x İmmortal

1x Astral

%75 chance to drop 1x Zerk Sc

%75 chance to drop 1x Global

%75 chance to drop 1x Reverse

These items offer various advantages and rewards to players, helping them become stronger and more successful in the game.








In Star Online, Medusa and Roc are highly valuable uniques. These uniques drop the following items:

3 Gold Coin

10 Silver Coin

8x50 Silk

1x Global

1x Reverse

1x Zerk Scroll

8x İmmortal

8x Astral



Items dropped by the uniques in Job Cave:

6x Silver Coin

2x Gold Coin

1x Zerk Sc

1x Global

3x Reverse

3x Magic Pop

x4 50 Silk

8x İmmortal

8x Astral

Additionally, Haroeris and Seth reward 15x Silver Coin, 5x Gold Coin,1x Box Prize and 8x50 silk

Uniques are separated as STR/INT.



In Star Online, contrary to popular belief, the Holy Water Temple consists of a single floor, not three. There are no elite mobs inside. The rewards from slain uniques are as follows:

With a 50% chance: Silver Coin

With a 30% chance: Gold Coin

With a 20% chance: İmmortal and Astral

Additionally, there is a chance to obtain Zerk SCs, Global, and Reverse.



In Star Online, the Forgotten World is as valuable as it is in any other game!

In the Forgotten World, you can obtain Power weapons.

Here are the Card Rates:

1st Star:

Box: 50%

Serenes: 70%

2nd Star:

Box: 60%

Serenes: 1 Card

3rd Star:

Box: 1 Card

Serenes: 1 to 3 Cards

4th Star:

Box: 1 to 2 Cards

Serenes: 1 to 4 Cards Chance



Star Online: Trade between Alexandria and Samarkand

Normal Caravan:

Purchase Cost: 50m gold.

Profit: 150m gold.

Thief's Profit: 50m gold.

Special Caravan:

Reward: The same route provides double the reward.



Dear Star Online Players,

We are constantly working to make the player experience more balanced and fair. In pursuit of this goal, we have made significant changes to the skill balancing in Star Online. These updates are designed to make the game more enjoyable and competitive for all players.

Why Skill Balancing is Necessary?

We understand that Star Online features various character classes and abilities. Our aim is for each class and ability to support its own unique playstyle and for no class to have an unfair advantage over others. Balancing efforts aim to ensure fair competition in-game and to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone.





Dear Valued Star Online Players,

We are excited to bring you a variety of thrilling and rewarding events in Star Online. Here are the events you won't want to miss:




Join Star Online!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the world of Star Online and we can't wait to see you among us! Our grand opening will take place on June 14, 2024. On this date, we will open the doors to the Star Online world, which will host epic adventures, legendary battles, and friendships.

Get ready, create your character, and join this unforgettable journey. See you in the magical atmosphere of the Silk Road!

Remember: Star Online's opening date is 06/14/2024. Mark your calendars and get ready for the adventure!

Wishing you all good luck and happy gaming!
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